Tin Viên Tịch
Kính bạch chư tôn đức Tăng, Ni, và quý Phật tử gần xa!
Môn đồ Pháp quyến chúng con vừa nhận được tin Cố trưởng lão Hòa Thượng thượng Như hạ Tịnh vừa viên tịch tại Chùa Linh Nghĩa, xã Diên Thạnh, huyện Diên Khánh, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, Việt Nam lúc 12 giờ ngày Mùng Một tết Nguyên Đán tháng giêng năm Quý Tỵ, nhằm ngày 10 tháng 2 năm 2013, trụ thế 87 tuổi đời và 66 tuổi đạo.
Chúng con xin khẩn báo tin này cho quý Ngài và quý Phật tử liễu tri.
Nam Mô Tiếp Dẫn Đạo Sư A Di Đà Phật.
(Xin xem movie Lễ Tang Cố Đại Lão Hòa Thượng Thích Như Tịnh)
(Please click to watch movie of the Most Venrable Thich Nhu Tinh's Funeral Ceremony)
Buổi Lễ nhập tháp tại Tùng Lâm Lô Sơn, xã Vĩnh Phương, thành phố Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa lúc 7 giờ sáng thứ Bảy ngày 16 tháng 2 năm 2013.
Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
TM. Môn đồ Pháp quyến
Pháp tử Thích Trừng Sỹ
Nơi diễn ra tăng lễ: Chùa Linh Nghĩa, xã Diên Thạnh, huyện Diên Khánh, tỉnh Khánh Hòa. Quý vị có thể liên lạc với thầy Trừng Tường qua điện thoại: 0905989707.
(Xin xem movie Lễ Tang Cố Đại Lão Hòa Thượng Thích
Như Tịnh)
(Please click to watch movie of the Most Venrable Thich Nhu Tinh's
Funeral Ceremony)
The News of Passing away
Respectfully dear to the Honored Monks, Nuns, and lay people near and far!
We, Dharma brothers and sisters, just received news of the Most Venrable Thich Nhu Tinh's passing away at Linh Nghia Pagoda, in Dien Thanh Commune, Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam at 12 noon on January 1st, Lunar New Year Festival, the Year of the Snake, namely February 10, 2013.
He lived in the world at the age of 87, and in religion at the vassa age of 66.
This urgent news is informed thoroughly to all of you.
Namo Amitabha Buddha who guides and leads him to the Pure Land of the Amitabha Buddha.
The Ceremony period of carrying him to enter into the stupa at Tùng Lâm Lô Sơn Monastery in Vĩnh Phương Commune, Nha Trang city, Khánh Hòa province on Saturday Morning at 7 o’clock on February 16, 2013.
Namo the Original Master, Sakyamuni Buddha
On behalf of Dharma Brothers and Sisters,
Dharma disciple Thích Trừng Sỹ
Funeral Ceremony at Linh Nghia Pagoda, in Dien Thanh Commune, Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa province. You can contact with Ven. Thich Trừng Tường with phone number: 0905989707.
Kính mời xem hình qua các links:
Please click to see pictures at following links:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/ photos/104506108651538696326/ albums/5845535665798015249
https://plus.go ogle.com/u/0/ph otos/1045061086 51538696326/alb ums/58460961452 03123217
Summary History of Linh Nghia Temple
Tel: (058 625 9040)
Tel: (058 625 9040)
In Vietnamese-Chinese characters, Nghia which means affection and gratitude also means cemetery; Trung has two meanings: the grave and hollow; Dan also has two meanings: the Dharma center and the place of worshipping human remains. Thus, Nghia Trung Dan which initially means the place of worshipping remains of soldiers dying in battle in Nguyen dynasty (1752-1792) also means the place of worshipping souls and forsaken spirits nobody makes offerings to them. Afterwards, Nghia Trung Dan renamed Linh Nghia Temple concerned with the following meanings.

Nghia Trung Dan is also the place of the low land, every season of annual rain and flood, rain water which remains very much and very long submerges over the knees. If about two weeks rainy weather lessens, stagnant water can ebb. If it rains much, stagnant water remains ceaselessly and ebbs more slowly. Nghia Trung Dan that includes the above meanings is the local name often called, has had very long time.

The year 1947, to be suitable for the Buddhist meaning, with abbot’s responsibility, when taking care and being in charge of Nghia Trung Dan, Venerable Thich Nhu Tinh renamed the name of Nghia Trung Dan into that of Linh Nghia Temple and he restored this Temple twice in 1952 and in 1992.
From the year 1947 to the year 2007, Senior Venerable Thich Nhu Tinh was the abbot of this Temple. In October 2007, considering his agedness and weakness, his mind remained sagacious, the Most Venerable Monk Thich Nhu Tinh summoned his disciples together and made his testate form of Linh Nghia Temple for Venerable Thich Tinh Tri, the eldest disciple of the Most Venerable Monk to take care of Buddhist matters morning and evening. All of the Most Venerable Monk’s disciples agreed and unanimously obeyed the teachings of the Most Venerable Monk.

Thich Trung Sy delivered his feelings at the ceremony of setting stone.
Linh Nghia Temple is the place of bringing up and teaching talented Monks. Among disciples of the Most Venerable Monk, there is someone studying syllabi of bachelor of Buddhist Studies at home, there is someone graduated Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies in India on March 1st 2009, first doctoral one of Buddhist Studies was born in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province.
Ven. Thich Trung Sy Graduated from Delhi University in India with Doctor of Philosophy's Degree in Buddhist Studies on 3-1-2009.
Buddhist Monks of Linh Nghia Temple compiled this summary history which the Most Venerable Monk confirmed on December 12th 2009.
(Nếu qúy vị muốn xem tất cả trang của Thích Trừng Sỹ trực tiếp, xin bấm vào đây (Please click here to see all pages of Ven. Thich Trung Sy)- PHÁP NHÃN TU HỌC (DHAMMA CAKKHU)